Urner Wochenblatt |142. Jahrgang | Nr. 90 | Mittwoch, 13. November 2019 | Seite 18
English version below

Survived - and now?
During my days in Pai in the north of Thailand I get to know a very special life artist. I wander around my hut and discover a blue-headed lizard. I've never seen one like that. I draw my camera and photograph the shy and at the same time curious animal. She climbs up the tree and tries to hide behind the trunk in front of me. Again and again the animal stops in its movements and watches me. Finally I am close enough and zoome the lizard closer. "Oh ... what's up on her head?" I wonder amazed. My biology lesson has been a few years ago and I do not remember that lizards have some sort of antennae ?! The lizard looks me straight in the eye and I seize the opportunity. SAM is in action! A few hours later, I look at the picture on my laptop. Ohh ... that's not an antenna! No! There's a nail right next to the eye in the lizard's head. Incredible!
How did this nail get into her head? The huts in this hotel all have palm leaf roofs. Maybe she hid under the leaves during the roof construction? I would like to know the true story, but this remains the secret of the little blue head. But the lizard has survived and not lost its curiosity, flexibility and climbing. OK then! But her past will be stuck forever in her mind.
Surely many of us have already survived and lived through a lot. Much of it is in our heads like a nail. What are we doing with it? Some nails we have learned to accept! Accept what you can not change! Yes, that's often said simply, but sometimes it hampers with the implementation. But why do we associate with the nail immediately negative experiences? Is it easier for us to remember these things? Could not the nail also symbolize positive? I guess so!
When I think about why I am on this journey, then I see that both positive and negative experiences,... different nails ... have finally led to dare to leave my comfortzone. I am grateful and happy about that. The experiences, moments, encounters of the last months were incredibly enriching and touching. I survived traveling alone, discovered curiously, enjoyed and kept moving ... like this lizard!
Now I wish you, dear readers, that in spite of or because of all your "nails" you are literally moving on, and LIVE your life!
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