
56) Northern Territory / Edith Falls & Kathrine Gorge

Am 10. August am Morgen stehe ich bereit vor meinem Hotel in Darwin und warte auf den Intrepid Bus. Ich steige ein und es lachen mich 7 freundliche Frauen und ein Herr an. Das "Beschnuppern" am ersten Stop lässt auf eine gute Zeit hoffen. Und ich werde in den nächsten Tagen nicht enttäuscht. 

Brenton unser Guide fährt uns sicher zu unseren Natur-Stops... natürlich nicht, ohne uns noch die Möglichkeit zu geben Drinks für den Doppel-Genuss der Sonnenuntergänge zu kaufen. 

Edith Falls und Kathrine Gorge lässt uns auf noch viele idyllische wunderschöne Plätzchen hoffen. 

In unserem Camp angekommen können wir uns entscheiden, ob wir in einer der Hauptstädte Europas übernachten wollen, oder doch unter dem Sternenhimmel in einem Swag... ich habe keine Ahnung wie man das schreibt... aber auf jeden Fall ist es eine Art Schlafhülle mit einer Matratze drin. 

Also kuschele ich mich nach dem wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang mit meinem Schlafsack im Swag ein und geniesse den Sternenhimmel. Bereits jetzt bin ich mir sicher, dass diese Tour eine tolle Zeit wird!


On the morning of the 10th, I am ready in front of my hotel in Darwin, waiting for the Intrepid bus. I get in and 7 friendly women and a gentleman laugh at me. The "sniffing" at the first stop gives hope for a good time. And I will not be disappointed in the next time.

Brenton our guide is sure to take us to our nature stops ... of course not without giving us the opportunity to buy drinks for the double enjoyment of the sunsets.

Edith Falls and Kathrine Gorge let us hope for many more idyllic beautiful spots.

Arriving at our camp we can decide if we want to stay in one of the capitals of Europe, or even under the stars in a swag ... I have no idea how to write that ... but in any case it's a kind of sleeping bag with a mattress in it.

So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!

So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!On the morning of the 10th, I am ready in front of my hotel in Darwin, waiting for the Intrepid bus. I get in and 7 friendly women and a gentleman laugh at me. The "sniffing" at the first stop gives hope for a good time. And I will not be disappointed in the next few days. Brenton our guide is sure to take us to our nature stops ... of course not without giving us the opportunity to buy drinks for the double enjoyment of the sunsets. Edith Falls and Kathrine Gorge let us hope for many more idyllic beautiful spots. Arriving at our camp we can decide if we want to stay in one of the capitals of Europe, or even under the stars in a swag ... I have no idea how to write that ... but in any case it's a kind of sleeping bag with a mattress in it. So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!On the morning of the 10th, I am ready in front of my hotel in Darwin, waiting for the Intrepid bus. I get in and 7 friendly women and a gentleman laugh at me. The "sniffing" at the first stop gives hope for a good time. And I will not be disappointed in the next few days. Brenton our guide is sure to take us to our nature stops ... of course not without giving us the opportunity to buy drinks for the double enjoyment of the sunsets. Edith Falls and Kathrine Gorge let us hope for many more idyllic beautiful spots. Arriving at our camp we can decide if we want to stay in one of the capitals of Europe, or even under the stars in a swag ... I have no idea how to write that ... but in any case it's a kind of sleeping bag with a mattress in it. So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!
On the morning of the 10th, I am ready in front of my hotel in Darwin, waiting for the Intrepid bus. I get in and 7 friendly women and a gentleman laugh at me. The "sniffing" at the first stop gives hope for a good time. And I will not be disappointed in the next few days. Brenton our guide is sure to take us to our nature stops ... of course not without giving us the opportunity to buy drinks for the double enjoyment of the sunsets. Edith Falls and Kathrine Gorge let us hope for many more idyllic beautiful spots. Arriving at our camp we can decide if we want to stay in one of the capitals of Europe, or even under the stars in a swag ... I have no idea how to write that ... but in any case it's a kind of sleeping bag with a mattress in it. So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!
On the morning of the 10th, I am ready in front of my hotel in Darwin, waiting for the Intrepid bus. I get in and 7 friendly women and a gentleman laugh at me. The "sniffing" at the first stop gives hope for a good time. And I will not be disappointed in the next few days. Brenton our guide is sure to take us to our nature stops ... of course not without giving us the opportunity to buy drinks for the double enjoyment of the sunsets. Edith Falls and Kathrine Gorge let us hope for many more idyllic beautiful spots. Arriving at our camp we can decide if we want to stay in one of the capitals of Europe, or even under the stars in a swag ... I have no idea how to write that ... but in any case it's a kind of sleeping bag with a mattress in it. So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!
On the morning of the 10th, I am ready in front of my hotel in Darwin, waiting for the Intrepid bus. I get in and 7 friendly women and a gentleman laugh at me. The "sniffing" at the first stop gives hope for a good time. And I will not be disappointed in the next few days. Brenton our guide is sure to take us to our nature stops ... of course not without giving us the opportunity to buy drinks for the double enjoyment of the sunsets. Edith Falls and Kathrine Gorge let us hope for many more idyllic beautiful spots. Arriving at our camp we can decide if we want to stay in one of the capitals of Europe, or even under the stars in a swag ... I have no idea how to write that ... but in any case it's a kind of sleeping bag with a mattress in it. So I cuddle up after the beautiful sunset with my sleeping bag in the swag and enjoy the starry sky. I am already sure that this tour will be a great time!

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