Urner Wochenblatt | 143. Jahrgang | Nr. 59 | Samstag 27. Juli 2019 | Seite 7
English translation below!

At the end of march I started my long break with a backpack full of wishes. After 8 hours of flight I landed not only in a continent and land unknown to me, but also in a new culture and, above all, in a world full of desire and reality.
Yes, Asia has its charm! In Hanoi, the full load hit me right away. As we stroll through the crowded streets, motorcycles flock past us in droves, street food scents reach our noses, everywhere are markets with people selling anything. In the streets you will find several shops next to each other, which sell the same ... unbelievable this life here!
We Europeans tend to imagine that people here have different wishes for their lives. We believe that they want our lives. That they are unhappy. But are they really? I can not imagine a happier smile of these market women, while buying something from her.
They seem to be satisfied! This makes me thoughtful. Why do we want so much in our lives? We should learn to simply accept reality as it is. Maybe that would make us happier. That's exactly what I'm trying to do on my journey: enjoy what is! To be happy I'm getting better at it!
But my homestay in Kratie, Cambodia, was a big challenge. My booking had promised me a cottage with private bath. Wow cool! Unfortunately not literally!
Arriving on the small Mekong Island, I was assigned a curtain sleeping area with a mattress in the estimated 70 square meter apartment. At temperatures of 38 ° and a humidity of about 90%, it was inconceivable that the fan may only be run at night for energy-saving reasons. The private bath was actually a room separated by 3 half-high walls, which was in the kitchen. The only shower facility for cooling was a large container with lukewarm rainwater available. The water is poured over the head with a bucket. No second after showering and drying it is back to about the same sweaty as before
Yes I admit it ... in such moments wishes are unavoidable. Mine was an air conditioner in this outdoor sauna!
I could have complained about the misleading when booking, could have been angry or grumpy. But I decided to take on the situation and get involved for the next 3 days.
For us it is unimaginable to live like this. But for this family it is the reality and not a bad one! They have a roof over their heads, enough to eat and a job. In the evening I was inaugurated by the mother of the house smiling into the cooking arts of Cambodia. Her calmness, her radiance in her eyes, and the ease with which she prepared the delicious food in the kitchen, once again proved how little satisfaction she needed. I have no idea if she is happy or if she wants another life. But I will forbid me to judge.
My onward journey from Kratie to Siem Reap again demanded my desirelessness. I landed in a 16-person minivan that was filled with 24 people and loaded with 3 motorbikes and many other pieces of luggage. My backpack on top position! 7 hours I sat squeezed in the back row ... without air conditioning. You can imagine that I had many wishes here!
But you know something? I somehow enjoyed this trip. It was such an authentic reality and my 23 Asian passengers have taken me so friendly and helpful in their midst that this trip will be remembered as one of my highlights.
This and many similar experiences make me happy on my journey again and again ... partly with desire winning ticket on other times desirelessly ... but always satisfied!
Now I wish you, dear readers, that you are desirelessly happy and have the winning ticket to be lucky in certain situations!
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